Just gonna leave this here
Why can't I get any work?
The current state of recruitment
What is considered a good salary in CS?
They say you first £100k is the hardest and most important. Does that include your home?
Considering trying to join BTP
Just found out my driver doesn't receive my tips
My Boyfriend is Upset i won’t put him on the Mortgage.
Salary sacrifice car scheme seems too good to be true when leasing an EV?
How can I, an Australian, join the Royal Navy?
How much??
Entry Level For SBS?
Got asked by my boss to apply for an internal post/promotion. Interviewed and got rejected. Feedback left me confused, angry and feeling like i've been used and hemmed into my job. What should my next move be?
What jobs do you do to make over £100k annually?
Adding friends?
bank statement question
What's a realisation you had about your parents that you never realised when you were younger?
What can be done if your pay gets cut while paying a mortgage?
Identify yourself please …3 forms of identification.
Most likely going to fail medical
I just wanted to see what that button does 😅
If I deposit £4000 cash in my bank account will I be questioned about it by hmrc or anyone?
Education certificates
Trying to get those wings
Different career options?