Musikfilme und in geringerem Maße Tanzfilme
Can't Rate any AC Games on PS Store?
Was übersehe ich ?
I expected such wooden animation and dialogues, but I was secretly hoping that Ubisoft would somehow redeem itself with this title. Unfortunately...
What game would you say has the best combination of good combat, good narrative, and a good and thorough world to explore?
I couldn't resist, guys. I ordered the whole grid. Ferraris are arriving late - insert your own joke here.
Chinese F1 fans design a No.2 Driver's Psychological Counselor suit for Red Bull (Lawson specifically)
Ok c'mon guys, who of you was this? Don't troll Gamers like that...
F****** hell all of you need to grow up
I think mouse and keyboard is superior to controller in almost all the games if your mouse has side buttons. Mouse side buttons are extremely underrated.
"softe" Horror games?
Stop talking about waifus
Serien mit Settings, die von der Norm abweichen
Historically, it has been "Go Fash Lose Cash"
What movie has the most ICONIC final shot you can’t forget?
Mit welcher Klasse ist Demon Souls am einfachsten ?
What are some other games you love? They don’t have to be Disco at all.
Ist Counter-Strike weniger toxisch geworden?
Ich suche eine Folge
I was disappointed after finishing the game.
Bg3 can't be woke
My physical discs collection so far
Meine "Sammlung" an Physischen Spielen. Welche spielt ihr zuerst?
Welche Spielereihe hat sich eurer Meinung nach die letzten Jahre am besten entwickelt?
Sag nimals ni