POV: How you look at your phone when the other player LFs during a raid
Now that he’s been out for a few days. What’s the verdict?
This guy is far healthier than Beast Gohan. No debate.
So is this Canon to Super or Not?
They piss me off more than anything
“I heard you pulled UG4”
Toshi never said this was going to be “The Year of GT”
Why Part 1 Feels So Underwhelming. Big Discussion
So what the hell is Transforming Rosés “new” ability?
Unpopular opinion: MUI does NOT need a Zenkai
People can’t be THIS stupid right?
Yall I solved ts
Hey shipping community. This is something you need to hear
Turles Movie… without Turles?
3 Z-Movie LFs? Who are yall hoping for? (META COOLER ON TOP)
So what are yall hoping is discussed?
Why is just Legends straight up ignoring this?
People whining about the winner of the $1,000,000 are actually pathetic.
Possibility of Dual Ultras for Part 3?
So for the Part 3 ULTRA which side are you on?
Just to be sure, can we all agree this was the worst drop ever?
So what are you expecting?