What’s the best part of being submissive?
Did you keep the first post on your profile?
What was the last NSFW message on your phone?
Can precum be sexy?
If you could spend one day in the body of your opposite gender, what would you do?
What’s the last post you saved?
How do you enjoy sexting on Reddit?
I accidentally exposed myself online and loved it
What’s your most unspeakable temptation?
Watch or being watched? What’s the best for you and why?
I want to ask my gf for a prostate massage
What are the best erotic comics you’ve ever read?
Watch or be watched?
(F)reshly shaved and showered (18)
What the sexiest actress or actor ever?
Does sharing your fantasies help you to fulfill them?
What is the most unlikely place where you have been flirted with?
(f)feeling horny this Monday night
What makes kissing a sexy thing?
Have you ever been surprised by some of your own kinks?
What particular thing makes you feel slutty?
I used to be ashamed of my body, but Redditors helped me regain my faith in myself (f)
Do you always go to the very last drop?
I(f) you’re nice I’ll post more ;)