I miss the old Haiti. Bring it back! (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
Styled my curly hair for the first time!
why does haitian food take so long to cook????
dominican man w/ haitian woman
Why isn't Haiti moving towards China to counter US neglect and interventions?
We have a 2 year old girl and just got the gender of our di/di twins anddddd…..
C-section question
Ngl I feel bad for this dude getting deported
If we don’t hire help- will we die?
Is c# worth it?
Columbus mocked the native Tainos b/c they were kind to the Europeans before committing genocide on them
I asked for curtain bangs when i got my trim..
Sad. It’s always like this with these types of threads.
Redditors who have been members for 10 years or longer, why are you still here?
Mask-wearing at the station, part 7
Haha so funny not..
“But the dog is innocent!!”
Shit ass cleaning fees
Do you think religion is evil?
What's your entry?
Which Japanese female vocalist do you like for her voice quality?
Passive-aggressive Japanese insults to look out for
Mrs Green Apple is hated by japanese Rockfans
Probiotics. Please consider it.
Is it possible to make ¥200 million in Japan?