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[PC] [2000-2005] 2D Arcade Shooter, Defending a little Palm Tree Island
Anti-Trump? Anti-Biden? Pro-Elon-ish? Pro-China! Anti-Democracy Uncle is driving me fucking insane
Ok hear me out
Komodos, what traditional Indonesian food are you addicted to? (Thumbnail hanya pengelaris)
@chinese baj, help me find the meme that you posted here. Its very similar to this video, but theres a "wrestler" that does guard pose and just lies down
Bajs, League has another ALL FEMALE team. FeelsStrongMan,DEIsen
How I feel not getting a single Darkrai...
How the fuck did we lose gamers?
Selamat Hari Valentine!
Auto-battle deck build
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Does your country have a streamer that follows forsen/have forsen's chat culture?
Anon is the biggest loser in anime
Salah satu alasan pindah ke luar negeri:
I thought it was only south Asia.
I missed out on teenage love... I will never get it back bajs, Aware
Le Trump was... Le Bad???
My worst brick yet
I miss fauna bajs UUUUUUUUU... I mean, forsen.
Tahun baru, Pacar Baru
Forsen Gets Thugged
How Destiny could've won
Nyari Tutor Skateboard, Basket, Sepak bola di Bandung
Forsen Related Powerscaling