boysbands recommendations
Dances that are fun to learn.
Whats your top romance animes?
What’s a Song You Love That Most People Don’t Know?
So hard to get character hats :(
Search for kpop groups
Songs that sound like disbandment songs?
where can i find all of jungkooks instagram posts before he deleted his account?
Songs similar to AKMU's Give Love?
Songs to add to my kpop playlist
New to anime, what do you suggest that is worth to watch? Wanna surprise my bf!
I need an anime thays going to fuck my shit up.
What’s everyone’s main priority right now in their game?
I want a melancholic anime to cry myself to sleep. Can any of you help me?
About this banana… 😆
Which visitors should I prioritize?
My prized possessions!
I got lucky
Butterflies by hearts2hearts sounds like two Loona songs combined but I can’t place my finger on it?