You can tell cyberpunk is fiction because V can take this pill without water
Least extreme biophysics phd
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The most annoying thing in KSP: invisible bumps that flip your rover (and having to stop and quicksave every few hundred meters)
Single engine Duna ssto
Is this too overpowered?
Can we teach rats to play sports?
How do I stop this bullshit from happening (outside rockets bending in)
Give me what's on your ctrl + V
Mods for young kids to play KSP?
FFAGLC8G, stencil in one of the first shops, then blueprint (holographic from wheel of fortune) you can also get a lot of money for a black deck
Updated the sleeve, I think it's balanced now, feel free to use the idea for some kind of mod
Am I the only one who loves making funny descriptions for all my craft?
Some more Joker concepts!
Average interplanetary SSTO re entry
Why cant my spaceplane fly faster than 350m/s? Ive tried more RAPIERs and different air intakes.
Space Station Freedom: The Next step in Space
At a glance, is my rocket design dumb? (cause it works but it looks silly)
Any quality of life/gameplay mods recommended? These are my current mods.
Who needs Starfield when u have KSP.
What zone does this come under?
It was so good it deserves its own meme (2/2). Credit to:
The way my gf (24) put back the chessboard
What mod is adding these city textures or is this a default thing now?