I almost killed his little pet creep
1600 DPS is not okay, but still not enough!!
Mirage ult confuses me
Please, help me come up with tasks for my gf to do in GTA.
For all the chest HR doubters
Mo krill chasedown ult
i can steal
HRM Dual showing --
Came back after 1.5 years of not playing, I'm glad nothing has changed.
How do you feel about the value of kills?
The game sucks right now.
What’s your favourite way to get kills with your main?
Tower Defense
Some advice for low rank players
From seeker to ritualist solo
Open Reply to the "I don't care that it's in Alpha"
Bring back ranked I beg you
6 of the last 8 games.. guess I'm going back to Factorio
Cheaters Aren't Being Banned
The cheating in this game is out of control at the moment. Four blatant cheaters in the same game
Which discontinued fast food item do you want to come back?
Bernie Sanders has a request for balancing McGinnis turrets
Anyone had an influx of McGinnis just turbo pushing tower in the first few minutes?
no one gets him like i get him