mat completely canned extra lives 3d thanks to some people that would not shut the fuck up
WELL DONE ADHD KIDS. Special thanks to you all for killing extra lives 3d before it could even come, You wanted more? see what happened. YOU WANT SOME? COME GET SOME
What are some "criticism" about a show (or movie) basically summed to this
I was really happy with how this turned out and the response it got
They are in love your honor (art by me)
now THATS the silver I like to see. not this bubbly expressive silver, the REAL silver, THE 06 silver, the serious stoic and mature silver. (this is from the new IDW)
I’m set for the next 3 hours
Infinite is the most misunderstood villain in this series
why did it have to be a laser gun.
Tell me your favorite Sonic villain…
No freaking way
Me hearing that Disney is attempting to buy Sega:
Favorite black anime character?
What would you title this?
Idris Elba and Keanu Reeves want to make a ‘KNUCKLES & SHADOW’ spinoff show. Would you like to see it? What may you want it to be like? Let's Discuss! (This poster was made by Epikz_Wallop on Twitter)
Never trust IGN
If I were Knuckles, I would've killed him right there before the Badniks did
Yep, just hire fans, they will fix your game
Ugly people = good game
Average eastern devs vs average western devs nowadays summarized.
Dear Reddit, never recommend this fucking sub ever again
Thoughts on this vid? (PLEASE DO NOT BE MEAN TO THIS PERSON!)
This is the 4th time I'm trying to post this because these garbage title filters keep removing it automatically