Should you tell a friend their chosen baby name is ripe for teasing?
Breaking a multi day fast
[2025-03-24] - [My Meal Monday] - What are YOU eating?
Always Hungry
does anyone else think they'll never lose weight?
Always wondered: What do people see when they hear the name Sasha?
What facial moisturizers do you use for your insanely dry skin?
Parents of bad sleepers when did it get better?
Glass Brick
Oom en tannie I saw today ❤️
What’s a simple pleasure you are grateful for?
What was the very first game you played on a PC?
How did your Hashi start?
Is this from Hashimoto’s?
Does hormones play a role in Ketosis?
What's his name gonna be?
What are some healthy fast food options?
You have to name your child like this:
What's the weird thing going on with your body that isn't weird enough to go to the doctor for?
Let’s hear the names your children (or kids in general) came up with for their future siblings!
Keto Crotch?
What is one daily simple pleasure you look forward to everyday?
Women- do you fast on your period?
How I finally overcome the "Last Supper Syndrome"
This sounds stupid but I’d like some non-judgemental advice