Ex-Muslims Who Have Dated or Are Dating a Muslim, how Was/Is Your Experience?
What's the best response to you're ugly?
22f i feel like i'm weird looking, what can i do?
I've had enough!
Which Virgo are you?
free one card/yes or no! <3
Fellow Virgos, which signs do you vibe with the most and which ones not so much?
This is crazy!
What's good and what's bad about my chart?
Y'all are making me feel jealous seeing you dating your crushes🥲
What does my preference in men say about me?
I can get you out of friendzone
Revealing the kebt i hold inside of me
I will no longer need this subreddit
Aseggas Ameggaz
How many people have liked you before?
What are some of the most effective body language techniques and tips that worked wonders for you when you started incorporating them into your life?
Is eye contact a clear sign that a man likes u back?
Muslim Romantic
Nose dominates my features. Thinking about a nose job to make my profile more balanced
How to get rid of RBF ?
1 year and 2 months!
How can makeup help me get rid of my RBF?
Hello guys it’s Ian, the homeless ex Muslim from cuba. Just wanted to show myself and prove that I’m actually real. Salam from Havana
This is unbearable:(