What’s this white stuff on my wood. It just appeared. It isn’t anywhere else.(New tank few days in)
Pink dragon cohabitation?
New Home!
One of my Pink Dragons Exploring :)
Here’s my teacup goldfish. 10 months old and still microscopic in spite of the others from that same spawn being over 4 inches long and living in a 40 gallon with multiple weekly water changes. Note - he doesn’t live in the plastic cup
Update: my bosses tank is under new management
A.Gigas Molting
Most/least favorite fish youtuber?
are there any dream fish you wish you could keep but cant?
A.Gigas care!
Two New Friends!
Can someone help me identify this fish?
How do millipedes drink
1500g full view
I recently purchased this fish but don’t know what it’s called
ISO Enclosure Advice
I want to get a peppermint shrimp
What is your LPS hot take/unpopular opinion?
Protein suggestions?
New friend in QT...
My house for the Alchemist and Brewer NPC!
My arena
Vallisneria Safe for Millipede?