Will I be cancelled for saying "No Trans Fat"?
Meme checkpoint‼️
Am i cooked ?
5hitpost : Give me an opinion which will make ALL Malaysians react to you like this.
Fellow Chinese Bolehlanders, say that you can marry a Muslim without needing to convert. Would you?
Malay guy no value now.
What is THE word you can never spell correctly?
What’s the most ridiculous thing someone has ever said to you that made you lose all respect for them?
what do you consider as a waste of money?
What is your biggest “Cheat Code” in life?
If you were to die in real life the way you died last time you played video games, how are you dying?
Here is MY list of the time women flirted with me and want to f*ck me but I didn't get their hint
[ONLY BOYS] no girls please
we all know he would accept if the guy nonek is big
What a shame humans.
guys how you guys quit nacak
Soalan utk laki2 kat bolehland
Aku takde perfume.
How to overcome rempit issue:
Are you still a virgin in your 20s and above? What's the honest reason?
Wahai warga bolehlanders.
Caption this
Gadis trauma jadi pemuas nafsu kenalan media sosial.
Kebulur ni. Bagi aku bahan nk masukkan dlm maggi kari