Australians, how is Kaitlyn Dever’s Accent in Apple Cider Vinegar?
Do doctors/nurses have a hard time when doing a check up on an obese person?
WIBTA for confronting my girlfriend about her daughter's health?
My cousin is nonverbal Autistic and has been experiencing seizures out of the blue
AIO for wanting to breakup with my “perfect” boyfriend?
Lorelai didn’t mean any harm in this scene. She 100% over stepped her boundaries but I think she was genuinely trying to help
Water always getting into goggles
Something I don’t understand about Christopher
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I am a proud Sookie hater.
is it common to eat a whole pint of ice cream in one sitting
When kids who can walk and sometimes even talk are still using pacifiers.
Call me crazy but…
Dean Hate?
Is drew just dumb or is there something wrong with him
People who say I’m not about to read all that
How can I give the best experience to my autistic boyfriend during sex?
Do most women genuinely not have “dying/being injured heroically” fantasies?
How excited she was that she made the dinner perfect for him💔
Please don’t downvote me because we are all fam here lol but idkkkk I don’t think Lorelai’s reaction to the car accident was extra
My para defied me in front of a student & I am livid
Hot Take: Jess's "I Have NOTHING!" rant to Jimmy
How did Dean's parents feel about him getting married?
Girlfriend says she doesn’t need space from me, but when I’ve asked her to hang out she says these things, and it’s confusing me
How many of you are abuse victims and how many are not?