My everyday (almost) breakfast
Who is the biggest loser in anime
Will it explode?
Kya kru itni dhan raashi ka ?
Who wins?
My name is Coo
Put these 6 in a room, who throws the first punch?
Just like in real life [OC]
This shook me
I love creative weapons! 😊
blursed Kurger Bing
This is my Favourite song sung by Shreya Ghosal.. What's your favorite??
How does Reddit know I'm Indian lol
Peak male playlist 😌
H Bi Tc
Who here has the most aura?
Blursed bidet
Normal day in anant's life
Aao english ki shi spelling sikhe !!
What is this mithai called in your place
F 18 boreddd
A mother is only scary for those who hurt her children❤️