Raise your hand if you like snakes!
First tattoo, 1 week old. Will this improve when it finishes healing? Done by Mike from Peacock Tattoo in Jacksonville FL
Covered up from an ex
Is this really as bad as I think?
Turning 30 and he hasn't proposed -dating for 2 years lol mi
New Tattoo Sleeve Anxiety
I hate second skin
How to confront my husband about masturbation?
22 weeks in. Is it not working?
How do people get prison tattoos?
Did I pay too much?
Anyone experience tattoo remorse? (Not tattoo regret)
Got this cute tattoo! My dad said it looks like a pot leaf, I don’t see it but does it?
Turned 40, trying a new look, keep or delete?
Koi sleeve by Jason Buckholtz, Ink City Tattoo, Bonney Lake, WA
accutane month 1 to month 6
I feel like a new man 1.5 yrs
About 2 weeks the goatee and I'm really liking it over the full beard
Dragon X Snake sleeve by @JVN_Art (Sydney) - Session 2/4
Didn't realise there was no guard on the shaver
Snake X Dragon sleeve (Session 3/4) - Johnny Nguyen (jvn_art), Sydney, Australia
Could this be improved or should I black it out?
Accutane results ✨ 16 months on accutane - 3 months post accutane