Opinions on P3166 (Static Exception Specifications?)
WG21, aka C++ Standard Committee, April 2024 Mailing
C++ Coroutines: Understanding the Compiler Transform
Working with Asynchrony Generically: A Tour of C++ Executors
A capturing lambda can be a coroutine, but you have to save your captures while you still can
asio::cancellation_signal and multi thread contexts
Generic Retry using Coroutines and Net.TS/Boost.Asio
WG21, aka C++ Standard Committee, September 2021 Mailing
C++ executors
Is a language extension really necessary to start coroutine tasks eagerly?
c++20 coroutines, opinions?
"'tag_invoke' - An Actually Good Way to Do Customization Points" - Gašper Ažman, C++ London
A C++2y async code example snippet
C++ Coroutines: Understanding Symmetric Transfer
Any workaround for noop-coroutines for MSVC?
location of task and generator in clang
A new thread in C++20 (jthread)
A C++ acronym glossary
2019-07 Cologne ISO C++ Committee Trip Report — 🚀 The C++20 Eagle has Landed 🚀 (C++20 Committee Draft shipped; Contracts Moved From C++20 to a Study Group; `std::format` in C++20; C++20 Synchronization Library)
Coroutines for 5 year olds
2019-02 Kona ISO C++ Committee Trip Report (C++20 design is complete; Modules in C++20; Coroutines in C++20; Reflection TS v1 published; work begins on a C++ Ecosystem Technical Report)
Coroutine allocation elision broken in Clang 7?
Good thread safe ciruclar buffer implementations?
co_await needs an after-resume check
Compilers with coroutine support?