[Excerpt: The Reverie] Behold Decker! Also known as that time Tzeentch pretended to be a waterwheel.
Gathering all Eldar stories
Multipole remix coming along
I Remixed Some Organic Decosnap Hooks
What are the best (craftworld) eldar novels
Map of Europe split by what hand they traditionally wear their weddings rings on.
Looking for short story collection suggestions
The dumbest retcon in 40k
Guy Haley in a nutshell
126 - What's in the History Nugget Time Capsule?
Very Minor 6 Pro Firefox bug
Bottom 1/10 of video is cut off while watching YouTube is this a common bug?
The Twice Dead King Book is it only available for ebooks and not a hard copy?
Gw shutting down modders
TODDY'S TAVERN TALES! This is genuinely an amazing little short film full of Total Warhammer references!
I can't believe no one posted this gem yet! May I present BORIS TODBRINGER'S TAVERN TALES!
[Excerpt: Remorseless by Rob Sanders] A Gland Hound kills a Space Marine
New Dawn of Fire novel: The Wolftime
Bikini armor rivals that of the terminators armor
Age of Sigmar’s closest parallel in 40k is not Sigmar, but Nagash
He has never done anything wrong.
Some of you told me I made a few mistakes in my Writing systems of the world map, So I made an updated version!
A vote for me the Emperor is a vote for Unification
Can someone please give me an excerpt for Ian Watson's space marine pooping ritual?
After reading the Nightlords omnibus, the Fabius Bile novels, ADB's Black Legion books and a handful of other novels. What are everyone's favorite novels that showcase traitor marines as nuanced anti-heroes. Stories that paint the character as more than evil villans or blind faith....