Is Zero the CEO or the advisor of the Black Knights?
شنو احسن تخصص أمن سبراني ولا علوم حاسب
If Lelouch existed in Death Note universe, who would he help: L or Kira?
Literally Me
What would you do if you got this phone call 2?
What would you do if you got this call?
Switch Sides
What would happen if Schneizel met Zero and Lelouch at the same time?
Most underrated character in Code Geass
Nice car
What does Kallen want to tell Lelouch?
Code Geass motorcycles are the best!
Cute Kaguya and C.C.
What would you do in such a situation?
Did suzaku ever learn about euphy?
Eternal Embrace ❤️
The only guy who liked the Geass power and was never scared of it
"She's smiling, so it must be good news!"
6th anniversary of the Re;surrection movie. What are your thoughts about it? Was it as good as the TV series?
شرايكم Devops ولا cybersecurity
الزواج في مجتمعنا (فضفضة)
Someone has been rejected here
What was C.C. real position in the Black Knights?
Do your best, Suzaku!
Anyone care?