Got this game 3 days ago and already cannot play it anymore
An apology
Has there ever been a period in this game’s life when you were actually happy with everything and had zero complaints?
Help out a new player
We Need To Talk About Young Women Working In Men's Facilities
Buddy stepped on a trap thing at extraction and everytime I revive him he just instantly dies. It will not let me extract unless he is alive and i’ve already revived him like 4 times and I have no more medkits
Just got this game for ps5
What are some of the most realistic depictions of alcoholism in film?
Lmao there are no family players
Does anyone know any good creeks in the area?
Watching the newest season, Bonnie????
GenZ, are we ready to be drafted?
Cocktail Party
What are some collabs you know are never happening but you would still like to see?
What would fit between my moon and moth?
My gf (F27) wants me (M30) to choke her. She says if she passes out, it's okay.. a bit weird, isn't it?
Does anyone know any good walk-in clinics?
How practical is carrying around here?
Another "Could" I be an Officer post
What You Did Last Week (Huntsville edition)
Who is your vampire king?
Bought a Fortnite account for $48, now worried about "back pulling" – What should I do?
This administration is going to kill the people I care about, and I don't know what to do about it.
Question about bots
Places to go and meet people in Huntsville?