Haven't bought/looked at comics in roughly 30 years...will upcoming movie impact prices?
What is the one show you can rewatch time and time again without getting bored?
I bought it for the meme but I tried to read at least…..wow
Can we nominate Bill Burr as the official voice for Gen X
1995/22 and 2025/52
What opinion has you like this?
Champion running man
Can anyone help me with this?
What Marvel character could young Eva Longoria have played?
Comic shop comic specialist Job opening advice.
My comics arrived today
First trade I’ve worked on 👀
Does anyone know which comic this page is from?
$40 Antique store find
How do you determine if a book is worth grading?
Reselling ~2000 comics?
What book/sale epitomizes the covid boom in speculation to you?
Any Value?
4 of the 90’s Grunge Band Icons - Who Should be Number 5?
What era is this tag
Need something new to hook me.
What kind of growth do you see for your books in the coming years? Here’s a IH181 from 1993 coming in at $280
A Freemason's Daughter
Anyone else lose their love of music?