I mean, it was out of [fluff] ing nowhere
How do i remove this notification?
Why are radio waves used in communication and in Bluetooth devices?
[lavb_b] A couple of besties 2
a webtoon where the father couldn't see the mother and vice versa
Do dia 21 ao dia 30 tem 10 dias?
What is the name of these pants/vest? (Idk if they are one piece)
name of this type of pants/vest
My first map in Dungeon Scrawl (Theres a little bit of gore, just a little bit)
Parody movie about batman
a question about the end of the game
[TOMT] [YOUTUBE] [2018-2021] video in youtube of a card game i have seen long ago
Como anunciar diálogos de forma clara em uma narrativa?
Uma dúvida sobre "O Rei de Amarelo"
[MOBILE] [2007-2013] a tower defense that i played a long time ago
[CONSOLE] [PC?] [2009-2015] a game Like god of war i think
Alguém se lembra desse vídeo? (Isso parece muito uma piada mas eu juro que não é)
[PC/Console] [20??-2015] a game that detects emotions but i have vague memories
[PC] [200X-2015] i cannot remember the name of this game
question about breed
tor doll location
Best nature for Oburonyxo?
Clovour to kuuroba and fuermiga to maripyro
I just beat the champion and wanted to share my team
Where is the rock smash move?