Some positivity...
Let’s think back to Lingsha
My Men I Trust tier list with the updated Equus Asinus. What do you think?
V6 beta changes
What would be the best team for anaxa?
Where are all the powercreep panic coming from?
Is Anaxa’s extra skill affected by FUA buffs?
Giveaway! - 5x Supply Pass on r/HSRHusbandoMains & r/AnaxaMains_HSR
Relic farming is genuinely the most soul sucking thing ever. Anyways here’s my build so far
Can this "different" Anaxa build work, thoughts? Context below.
I am just going to leave this here
A person in my friend group who i despise but everyone else is cool with
Favorite Drew Gooden still?
How do you find a man like Drew Gooden?
[3.2 Spoilers via Zenith] The main leaks subreddit wont accept it but copium runs high
An experimental team (RMCxRobxAvenxTrib)
It has been 669 days
We just gotta keep waiting……
Cube cafe is real
My clara build + team and clara w/ buffs
How would I create a rule that turns excess healing into shields?
The urge to cop is insane
[English > Japanese] For a personal project
My WIP Boothill team; i have some questions