Reference book tips?
Applied vs Core maths
Starting 11th prep which chapters hould i start with?
How to study information technology
A Tale of Betrayal: PC Players Get Beta Before Mobile – An Outrage!
I created a website to assist high school and middle school students with AI
How to remove colours using 11th Chemistry
Average Holi Activities
Growing up-an experience
Is this real???
Ab hoga riyal cumback 😈
why do they even hate cbse??
ICSE grade X starter pack
IT ke resources
it resources dedo bahi 🙏🏻
[Countdown] Exams over (INDEPENDENCE DAY)
Who is going to tell him
Skill issue or cbse ki mkc?
UPDATE : boy caught with phone
guys drop ur bucket list after boards
A phone was put inside me in board exam
I caught a student pulling out smth from his underwear
Urdu kisi ka hai?
I was 13 during that update, now i am 16 bruh