Removing mysterious material holding bricks from drywall.
Is the Ameteur Radio Society still a thing??
Why doesn't every new Skytrain station have housing built with it ?!
More Housing: developers oppose five-storey rental buildings in Dunbar-Southlands
Coffee snob here, where is the best coffee on campus, in your opinion?
Metro Vancouver homesless count up 32%| CityNews Vancouver
Why urban density is actually good for us
Some more details on council's upcoming "Missing Middle" proposal and hearing
The barrier came from no where!
Did Floatplane ever come out with shirts? Seen during a Toronto protest against cars
some thoughts on the resurgence of Vancouver’s Critical Mass
Thought experiment: Would inflation cool faster if we raised sales tax instead of overnight rate?
Vancouver used to have a property tax that encouraged housing development and discouraged speculation
What is driving up home prices?
Government FHSA update: Design of the Tax-Free First Home Savings Account
My crypto mining setup
COVID is airborne UBC. What’s your plan on the ventilation in the classrooms? Masks work. Top universities in the US require mandatory vaccination.
Questions for people who moved to US for Software engineering jobs
PSA: Proctorio will eventually monitor the processes running on your computer
UBC Poetry Writer's Club
UBC Students and Alumni who've gotten into FAANG AMA
Flying just once over Mexico City, StephenWiltshire drew the entire cityscape from memory.
Help me. I'll be starting my IB Diploma program next month and I need to choose subjects. I'm interested in studying Computer science (Bsc) at UBC Vancouver and I'm extremely confused regarding which IB subjects I should choose. Help?
/r/Gadgets' Frankensbox 3D Printer Giveaway!
Me handing in my Physics IA (and how I feel when my teacher hands it back)