Best place for late season tree purchase?
My latest update Icelandic mom American dad
Are your branches mishandling COVID-19?
First post here after lurking for a few weeks. Recently realized I'm in peri and overwhelmed with the massive amount of conflicting information.
Icelandic mom and American dad
Ice-Covered Planes at RIC (Saturday AM)
Gen-Xers of Reddit — with which style of music do you identify more?
Is CW Learning Disabled? (Not even asking as a joke).
Anybody remember this company from our history? Forgot about this iteration of our hometown power company...taken at the Richmond Volleyball facilities off of Staples Mill.
Effects of MLMs on people and their marriages.
Need to eat to take meds, but have severe nausea
"I've been banking here longer than you've been alive!"
Well, here I am, 25 years into this disease.
Living with my toxic/abusive mother.
DAE just get so angry, but no idea why?
Ginger Supplements for Nausea
First colonoscopy advice
"Crazy Bitch" bride walks down the aisle in the trashiest way possible....
Don't fuck with Charlie, I warned you..
From a church near where I work...
My doctor is a fucking asshole.
“Johnny punch her in the fucking face”
What is the most trippy mindfuck movie/show you've seen?
What’s something you wish you knew when you were 18?