When hiring for a program execution role, which is very procedure based and the person just has to follow the process and be organized, what out of the ordinary skills do you look for in a candidate?
Brown, Blonde, or Something Else?
How do you deal with people at work who own a document or own a process, but when asked to explain something about it, they always responds as “I don’t know” or “go ask someone on your team”?
[skin concerns] Cluster of whiteheads on chin that keep coming back even after extraction. How should I treat these?
What color looks the best
What is my living room missing?
How to deal with document owners who don’t understand the documents they develop and seek your approval on?
Body ruins style
I would like to try Korean skincare. Which moisturizer for acne prone skin do you recommend?
How do your kids keep busy on weekends outside their sports games?
How do I boost my immune system?
Which of all my hair styles has suited me best?
what style of makeup fits me the best?
Is this too much for everyday makeup?
How do you deal with constantly having to follow up with people to do their job or reply to emails? I spend nearly 30% of my day doing it and it’s exhausting!
I’m making mini layered cakes and will have some leftover cake bits. Is there anything I can do with it?
How do I economize on a hotel diet?
GF is beating herself up over these, I think they're awesome! (not even in a supportive way lol) Any thoughts or criticisms?
How do I heal this 3 headed cyst?
What is this room missing?
Where can I find eyeshadow like this?
Women who are part of a dual income household and who contribute equal if not higher than your SO, how do you determine how much to put in a joint account vs for personal use?
What did life give you that you never wanted?
Which towns in the US have a close knit community as depicted in the show Virgin River?