Born to reclaim the Holy Land... Cursed to sell merch online (IRONY).
"...nOt tHe sTatE fRoM tHe cHuRcH."
"Nazi" priest take on current same-sex marriage rights
to offer a "solution".
Hello fellow females("We").
What does this have to do with selling medical devices?
Indian meme subreddits are trash
12 year old girl, April Atkins carring her whole family on her back. Santa Monica "Muscle Beach", California, circa 1954-55
I know that my last chaya post was supposed to be THE last post, but HAHAHAHA!!!!!🤣🤣🤣
This is the last post that completes the Chaya's crusade trilogy
i'm bitter that i can't get girls, so i'll become chad so i can get girls and then abuse them. flawless logic!
Pt.2 post of Chaya's crusade against LGBTQ+
Oh no. Boot taste bad because of the gays.
More blue-marked beast content
Not how "compatibility " and "common interests" works
Mask Off
Not how preferences work
More trash from Elon's blue-marked beast
My last r/NotHowGirlsWork got cross-posted creating a cluster fuck of comments such as these.
This umbrella thing again
What's with some Indian subreddits lately?