Bottle openers are stupid
What else is there to do?
Basically this sub
LSD and a subscribtion to Disney+ has done more for my soul in the last month than almost a year of online therapy... (28y/o M)
When did the full weight of the gravity of this pandemic set in for you?
WIBTA if I change my wifi password, making it impossible for a kid to not be able to attend her classes?
How was your day?
speedrunners be like
I'm gonna need you to back waaaay up, buddy.
You fascinate me.
So this is why Sinvicta doesn't step on those buttons...
You gain a single IQ for every hour you sleep
Grandfather found my weed, is disappointed.
bony boy
can someone explain this?
i´m not the best at finding secret rooms, but this isn't my fault,right?
What are some fictional character fights you would love to see happen?
Yo Reddit! What’s a small thing that anyone can do at nearly anytime to improve their mood and make them happier?
Tpose to assert dominance instead of sh. Try to act like i dont care about the jugement in their eyes when they saw my arms. Fuck it and wear short sleeves.
Console Users Be Like
Fuck Youtube
A stupid Karen
Daily Runs in a nutshell