Help me name this cutie
Looking for Mock Group Discussion Partners to Improve Speaking Confidence
Holi plans
My list. Hope this helps some of you
Is there any where I can get medical?? Dm
What song are you currently most obsessed with?
What would your command word be?
Anime watchers here, what's your most favourite anime?
What's going on with Instagram today? Theories?
What is up with instagrams feed today?
As someone new to anime, I have just finished rewatching Death Note.
Let's say you have to leave chd tomorrow
Heyy... anyone knows about any independent room for rent without any restrictions( girls allowed) I am also ready to share a kothi if anyone has a place already
Just admiring the view
Thinking of forming a Chess club . Anyone interested ?
PSU vs MTech
I need a new anime to watch
PSPCL khanpur is the worst department of all.
Can someone help me out on how to get a duplicate DL here in chd?
Feeling lost
What’s Your Guys 2025 Lockscreen? Here’s mine
Guys, I am addicted to Swiggy and I order food everyday. I am losing all my money as my daily order costs 1000 inr and also affecting my health. Any way to stop this addiction?
How hard is it to get into top NIT? Is NIT really worth it (both top and other NIT)?
The Four Horseman of Current Anime
Where to find...