would it be a problem if i read Desolation Angels before the dharma bums?
i need to make a presentation about finnish most brutal curse words.
AMariah Morales
Suomea opiskelevat kiinalaiset/ japanilaiset.
what anime is that?
help to translate.
Please help to find an anime. i it remember as a kid but don’t know the name.
music that is made only for music geeks or popular only among them
Which Louis. C.K.’s special should i watch first?
What song is this for you?
What song do you listen to on repeat after hearing it for the first time in the series?
Im 50/50 on if this girl likes me or not. How can i determin if she does without just asking her?
How not to be nervous about graduation?
Is my Russian Readable?
What genre Lil Durk is?
Need a good song about being lonely. Please don’t say Akon.
Rainy day music
Freddie Gibs flow on “crime pays” sounds familiar. do you know any other songs with such flow?
please help me. Hard-rock song. i suppose from some famous band.
Name a song you like from a rapper you DON’T like
Recommend some albums
Could you please recommend some songs that resonate with feelings of loneliness?
Chopped & Screwed