Who was wrong here?
i “wrote” a song
I think i'm finished my last song before i start recording. wdyt?
Soo merciless, how will Neph overcome this humiliation.
Interesting answer from G3 about who is MC
What's that one choice you made that turned your life for the worse ?
Who's your favorite songwriter?
Why do people say that Volume 8 is one of the worst?
I released this song last month, I think the song is good but i don't have many people to share it with, so please give it a try
“Deliver Us From Evil” was voted most underrated! Which BFMV song is unequivocally the best?
Songs with the best chorus ?
who is everyone’s favorite character??
I released this song last month, it's called "sitaare" do give it a try
I released this song last month, its called "sitaare" do give it a try.
This is the first song that I wrote and released in my native tongue i.e. Hindi, please give it a go
Just wanted to share this
My theory on mordret's flaw
My weird theory on Asterion's power
What do you do when you write a song you don't like ?
What time signature is this song in
Broken sword is still alive probably
Name three artists that are dear to your heart and that you keep coming back to besides TvZ
[REC CENTER] Shreddit's Official Recommendation Thread -- September 25, 2024
How to change time signature smoothly
What is your LEAST favorite song