My antidepressants are working :D
My Official Custom From Build a Bear Corporate! I won an auction at their 25th anniversary gala to create my own custom bear. It’s now BAB’s FIRST EVER moth!
I relate too hard to this.
Hope memes are allowed.
I wanted this pup so bad as a kid but never got her. My 25th birthday is the day after valentine’s, so I figured what better excuse to get the 25th anniversary edition? I just adore her!! ❤️💕
mitski said sad girl schtick is over so im going to therapy Feb 4 instead of wallowing all day
Three hashbrowns make everything better
Struggling even harder than usual lately and this makes me want to cry
I finished my Bachelor
Support group/ social outlet for people that don’t have it.
A story in two acts as seen on yikyak.
Double the fun
WIS 3404
Weekly Questions Thread - Week of August 18, 2021
'Adventure Time' Fionna and Cake Series Ordered at HBO Max
Do you remember your first korean skin care product? What was it?
Trouble picking out personal items, is this an adhd thing?
If you know, you know...😊
A Glossier sticker has made itself a permanent part of this table (Satchel’s, Gainesville, FL)
Rebellious Phase
Dew The Blue
do you guys plan to wear ur masks fall 2021?
This is Richie! He’s a year and a half old Rottie/malamute mix and he’s got the sweetest smile to share
This subreddit is oddly specific-
I love this