Name her after the last Spotify artist you listened to
What happened to the Poppy Unreleased server?
Anyone have a google drive link for Improbably Poppy other than episode 1?
Every artist has "that one photo", what's Poppy's is?
Every artist has "that one photo", what's eminem's?
does poppy perform older songs like from era in new concerts or is it just from i disagree and after 😭😭
"I love Bubblebath's EP, but my favorite song is 'American Kids'. I'd love it if you could recommend songs with a similar sound, please."
Ex-Wives snippet, Russian non replica production.
Is it just me or did anyone else here “fill the crown with an orphan” instead of “ fill the Crown, let them know we’re fed”
'All You Wanna Do', Russian Non-Replica production.
Russian Non-Replica Production
Does this work ?
Any actual happy music to recommend? Similar to Poppy
IIL Molchat Doma and Utro, what else is there?
Rename your fav Poppy song into a clickbait YouTube video
Rename your fav Marina song into a clickbate YouTube video
Made Poppy in inZOI
Poppy (That Poppy) in inZOI
What’s the most “Poppy” Poppy song?
What’s the most “Olivia Rodrigo” Olivia Rodrigo song?
important questzion
Ayesha Gagging Britney Manson
What Poppy lyrics have you like this
i miss kkb bonito generation era
Feel old yet?
Which MH face sculpt matches ne best? I wanna work on making a mini me.
Marina reposted my senior quote on her story!!
What would you nominate?
I nominate Guns and Roses
I want a list of Poppy's japanese lines in songs and what they mean