What is a slang phrase that drives you crazy as a xennial?
Seen this morning
What kind of name is a black or white name?
AITA for ignoring my wife for throwing away my late wife video tapes?
In your opinion, what is your favourite unique concept a show tried to do?
Is this a red flag?
AIO: Took down my flag
What Made You Cry Recently?
Would you choose to be a stay at home wife if you had the option?
people need to stop pre-announcing they have autism. people make a comment only to end said comment with "i have autism." That shit is the new "as an introvert".
My Dad Pulled a pew pew on my husband
Pick Two
People should only date/marry outside of their culture.
35M 34F found condoms, how do I approach this?
My mom said to my dad that “she thinks she’s gonna have freedom when she turns 18”
What video game have you put the most amount of time into?
Nice profile, cute, good job…but then I read that his favorite band is Nickleback and my finger clenched up. What is your most ridiculous dealbreaker?
What are your pop culture truly unpopular opinions/hot takes?
What show has/had the best intro in your opinion?
Nonreligious people how do you respond when someone is telling you how Jesus saved them?
AITAH for "changing my mind on wanting kids" and saying "I've never been more disappointed in " my wife.
If you could have sex with one celebrity, who would you shag?
Your screen name is now your job, what are you doing 9-5?
What’s your favourite opening sequence/theme of a TV show and which one do you like the least?
What is the first word that comes to mind when you hear “Christian”?