Am I the only one that wish there's a long bridge connecting Mersing, Johor to Sematan, Kuching?
PSA: Keep left if not overtaking!
I need a name
Does anyone know the name of this street, i want to take a similar photo! Thanks!
Internship recommendations in Kuching
Car Guide
So its okay to bring a foldable chair into MRT
Pizza Ria
Yayasan Sarawak foundation tun taib scholarship for postgraduate (research)
Job searching tips in Sarawak
underpaid by my ex employer
No exercise no gaming no job no life
JPJ lied to me, Polis summoned, gotta go to court.
What things you wish we have in Sarawak?
Check engine light on
Jujur ya, apa yang kamu mahu sekarang?
Ade ke x Bumi di Sarawak yg beragama selain daripada Kristian dan Islam contohnya Hinduisme, Buddhisme, Taoisme etc?
UMobile postpaid
Does JobStreet really offer something like that?
If money is not a problem, which state would you choose to stay in and why?
Game that requires only one character to win
Japanese mythology?
Best Mee Kolok in Town
Which cartoon or series or anime that you watch from childhood, make you fell very old. I will go first.