Consumer Council just rated 10 local PC builders - How would you rate them personally?
Are there any paper/mock-up vehicles that are more accepted by the community than the P.43 tank?
it is time for the J-16 my brethren
So what is this? Are there underground roads? Or is this a parking garage?
Gajin has done something good, they actually foldered the j11a with the j11 :)
Leaked Footage (11 mins) 1080p - Ripped from YouTube before takedown
Serious Discussion Thread Part 7: HYBE / ADOR vs. NewJeans / Min Heejin
[Event] Get the FIAT 6614 FIROS in the Rocket Storm Event!
what do illit have to apologise for?
I don't even know how 😯
To those who sabotage both sides whenever Kpop drama arises, you are the worst.
Leopard 2 seems to be the MBT from the Enemy Faction PAX ARMATA
Moving on from my Yashica - I wanted to know if I am making a good choice here.
I like everything about the new Battlefield except the "Pax Armata" faction.
People seemed to like the Helldiver I made, so here's a Hulk!
Day 4: ofc it's the BBC (big bad chuu) 🥰🫣. who's a good person that got chin🦆 divided tho? 👀
What’s the possibility of the FA-50 being added?
help me choose one pls
Would the Meridian Singularity actually make it to Super Earth?
Guess the maps based on players'movements!
Apparently you can teamkill friendly air units in Ground AB without getting penalties.
Did we just delayed a new Automaton enemy type? 🥲
I took these pictures a few days ago
US arms export is Kill
What do you think about that statement? Would you like to see same ships in different nations TTs?