lol why are u looking at my profile
Shop link in comments
Which iron man helmet peace do you prefer
These were the last of their respective buildings systems. Who finished off an era best?
Iron Mans helmet
Will there be lego sets based on Marvel rivals?
The Giant-Man debate… what about the bigfig?
If Bionicle had a hero shooter, who would you main?
I forgot that's what I named the team 😭
"We need a lawnmower move in this game" Yeah I got chu fam
Mario: 72037 Mario & Standard Kart official images (via luckybricks_stecksteinexperten)
Mario: 72037 Mario & Standard Kart official images (Source: luckybricks_stecksteinexperten)
Purist Custom Ivan Vanko, just got him his bord today
Biggest Bohrok in Existence
Dev Update - March 2025
Finished up my digital Hall of Armor build! It can hold up to 66 standard suits plus two Hulkbusters and a central platform. Currently waiting on some suits to fill it with...
I started a new pmd eos run out of boredom and I decided to make a thing with hero and partner
Found this guy in Portugal
Megarok Update
Yes it has biting action😂
Well it seems like the iron patriot has been demoted to the iron man mark 1 in the bio for the upcoming iron man lab set
is this set bad and terrible? btw what are your thoughts on the ant man mech in this set?
Bionicle Comic Style Test feat. Nuparu! Feedback/Criticism Welcome
Unreleased system Visorak build from the toyfair prototype version of 8758 Tower of Toa
A blessing from the Technic gods (image credit: New Elementary)
Savage Opress