Laurie and Jaclyn
Still don't know what this means
Who will Timothy...
Things to come for Jaclyn, Kate & Laurie
Discomfort with Saxon & Lochlan Storyline
What's his plan really? I saw suggestions about blackmailing and I though this at first too, but he works in the hotel so I doubt he will do it cause its his way of meeting rich people and ladies. So a robbery maybe?
I believe Lochland maybe a covert psychopath/sociopath with incestuous tendencies based on his manipulative tendencies.
What do you think Laurie said here?
Photos from S3 filming (Spoilers)
Why were those women staring at Jaclyn, Kate, and Lauri?
Post S03xE05 Theories
Possible foreshadowing of who the body is in the water?
Would you have swapped the health mentors for each group?
A Couple Things to Speculate On While Waiting
Am I the only one who thinks Fabian is the shooter?
How did Valentin know Laurie was single? At the table before the jaunt to the other pool. What did I miss or does he have background on all of them? 🪷
Mis-Quoting The White Lotus
Who's Winning the IDGAF Award?
Predictions for Sunday - are they gonna do hand stuff? Mouth stuff? Or butt stuff?
VISUALLY who do we think the dead body is in episode 1?
No openly queer characters in S3 so far . . .
Plot description for episode 5 (spoilers)
Enlightenment remix S3E4
[Season 1 Question] Do we know what his deal is?
3 some for sure on next ep