Is having completely opposite political views a deal breaker for you?
Non-Americans of Reddit, did/do you call your teachers by their last name?
Looks like Clara Dao got chest surgery…
Extra stitches on the sleeves, what can I do?
If a child would drown without your intervener, under what condition would you intervene?
Maybe a stupid question, but is “sordid affair” about how much two married people in an affair want each other?
23F My boyfriend 25M got porn tatted?
Do you think it’s normal and fine if you & your partner have crushes on other people?
Brothers kids
I traumatized my mother by being born, and have been punished for it my entire life
Those of you with nieces/nephews, how do you feel about being an Aunt/Uncle?
What in the propaganda?!
Most people only pretend to find babies cute…
On the fence about getting a vasectomy, want advice from dudes here who had one.
What are the reasons a childfree man wouldn't want a vasectomy?
Would you date / marry someone who doesn't belong to your religion? (this counts atheism/agnosticism as a religion)
What would you do if your childfree self found out you had a cryptic pregnancy, full term and ended up with a whole baby?
Which one of these is worse in your opinion?
What day would you consider the anniversary for your relationship?
My girlfriend (I'm 21M she's 22F) used to like a friend of mine and i feel bad about it, what do you think ?
What do you guys think of the term “Balanced Bust”
Girlfriend [26f] wants me [28m] to get vasectomy?
Sanity Sunday - come here to vent/rant and get advice!
My (28m) gf (25f) is bothered by my past partners mostly being plus sized and not sure what to say?