Divergent Universe keeps increasing Sunday's SPD during battle
A rant about Odens eye from someone who was on the PR list...
My manager went on a rant about Unionizing stores. Let’s educate a little.
Has anyone tried these masks? Kleenguard N95’s. Looking for a better fit than the aura
I hate how people try and turn wearing masks into some 'continuation of the pandemic' Masks are important especially for people who are immunocompromised
Signage from one of San Francisco's local Covid-forever shops — these guys never want the pandemic to end, and are getting increasingly angsty and angry as other people return to normal life (what they write most days is even more aggro)
The story of my perma ban from a mask sub
Lots of thoughts on this locked post
Off topic but this type of isolationism is not normal and this community will always continue to be diverse with ideas.
Just two days after Rutgers lifts mask requirement, faculty unions bring it back
In the business class car on an Amtrak train - am the only one in an N95 mask.
Policy for openers calling out?
All workers at a Starbucks store in South Carolina voted to unionize. They were then suspended when the store manager pressed kidnapping and assault charges after the workers presented their list of demands during a store meeting.
Measurements for Kimberly Clark N95 Duckbills & ACI Surgical N95 Duckbills are identical.
For people who like the 3M Aura but are looking for a larger version, this product ("Deltaplus M1204C") has a similar shape, complete with strong nose clip and foam strip.
How did you get COVID (Omicron)?
KF94s with a wide/thick nose wire?
Are Americans OK?
Masklab fit?
Dear SMs and ASMs, please stop lying to new employees about hours
No. Just no 🤦🏾♀️
Found this posted in my new office
Trading for Gerson 3230? (Or BNX)
Owner of a US based N95 manufacturer response to Fauci getting covid.
Great nosepiece... while it lasts: HiGuard KF94 / FFP2 NR Respirator
3m Aura alternative for larger faces?