1991 tesco receipt
Nearly choked to death laughing
Who’s your favourite British actor?
Practical planetary attire
Yennefer cosplay by me
Lifeweaver hate
Does anyone know what the thing shes holding is called specifically?
NG+ or New Journey?
What do you call thsese?
I've never understood the animosity towards the promotion of Scots and Gaelic
Who is bankrolling Saw Gerrerra's Partisans?
Counterpoint: Jame Eagan's "raw" comment was meant to be questioned for its sexual undertones
"We started in silence...
Who was she and why did she?
Pro-life protesters begin 40-day lent protest near Glasgow clinic
after 4 girls, we’re finally having a boy! help us finalize our list!
Did I overreact by cancelling a first date in response to the comments in red (mainly the second)?
Lorraine Kelly believes working-class people get 'left behind' in TV roles
When you see so much Sojourn Mercy you start going insane
I feel like I’m a fraud
AIO for not quitting the gym because my boyfriend told me to
Hungry for apples?
Have i broke pub etiquette?
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