Added oral min after almost 1 year of using topical. Dread shedding bad.
Anyone want to share pics of their wash day shedding?
2 months in, feeling better, how about you?
I (19F) am a serial ghoster. AMA
Why does it hurt so much?
If you’re dealing with an ex and wondering why they haven’t reached out…
Why is my hair like this?
So … you’ve been ghosted! Now what?
Have you guys been left traumatized, after being ghosted?
To all of you who misses their ghoster deeply. Having them back won't make it better. Even after forgiveness. It's always them, not you.
Screen record button
Thought I’d share a positive parting of ways. I matched with two girls at the same time and engaged in daily chats. After about two weeks I sent this to one.
One thing no one tells you about moving on