Can I join someone’s high level guild?
What did you use to kill dancing lion?
(Ps5) I’m level one and need sum1 to help with mohg so I can do dlc
Just tried changing my subscription plan…
How do I farm Ritual Blood (2) and over in Bloodborne?
Who ever made the watchdog boss needs to have their career ruined
Skullcandy crushers or audio technica?
Skullcandys or audio technica?
I wanna do a bloodtinge run, what’s the earliest chikage I can get
I need a max level tarnished to shit on shittyon the all knowing (ps5)
Picked up a guitar for the first time last Friday. I have a few questions
What did you use to beat maliketh?
RL1 - NG+ Dancing Lion hitless - Cold Short Spear+25, scadu level 20
What’s your favourite weapon to use for a run
W: 2 thorny whips +25 H: ask (ps5)
Mesmers second cousin
🎁🐸 [PSX] W: karma & for you to have a wonderful Christmas H: All of it 🐸🎁
Can someone drop me a lothric straight sword ds3 (ps5)
PS5 need help with byle (dragon who hurt good boy igon)
[Psx] H:everything W:customers
(Ps5) w: magic scorpion charm. H: ask
Ps5 W: Lusats staff 6 H: a lot of runes on a different account