How Wolves Became Yellowstone’s $82 Million Tourist Attraction
You gotta be a special kind of stupid that you are willing to burn down your own country just to own the libs
Rhodesia, the other white supremacist African nation
Wolf in Białowieza Reserve, Poland
Hung the wolf art I bought in MT when visiting Yellowstone!
Hwasong district stage 3 is almost done! Here's some photos:
elderly women swooning over trump.
Republicans push to make "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a mental illness
Been Angry for Days
Ronnie for Prime Minister 🙌.
Polish History on Jeapordy!
Dawg, I heard you like Cybertrucks
What do you call a group of cybertrucks?
Age yourself with a movie you saw at the cinema as a kid!
1. December 1991. - Ukrainian referendum on independence with 84% turnout
The end of german danzig. The creation of Polish Gdańsk.
My stack of Polish vocab cards after 5 months of learning!
Charlie cuck is coming to my campus today. What should I say to him?
MMW . If you think I get mad and crazy when responding to haters on Reddit, I got nothing on the new #2 at the FBI! And DJT is going to make sure they all have to take it!
What do Polish people really think about Turks?
What does Poland think about Trump declaring Ukraine the enemy and giving them 3 weeks to surrender?
Is wanting to die part of adulting?
Kirby swallowed you.What ability did he get?