Looking for RP-Guild EU-Spineshatter Alliance
Bei fusch gegenfuschen
Struggling to level a priest- what am I doing wrong? :(
Fastest leveling route
Carnival in Ellwangen
Paladin tanking advice
World PvP in Mists of Pandaria Classic isn’t going to exist
Waldemar Anton
Returning player, too many modes not sure
[Request] How few electrons to weigh the same?
[Request] What would happen if you added one electron to every atom in someone's body?
Addon recommendation for raid healing?
What was your worst character name?
Prof pally cannot die on HC
Kraft/Ausdauertraining für zuhause - angeleitetes YT Video
Jan, could you enlighten me please?
What is “mouse over” healing?
Ask a stupid question get a stupid answer. Part 2ish
I'm free
Das wäre echt lustig, FDP raus und die halbierte Linke rein
Everyone always talks about tanks, but healer performance matters too
Incoming Dmg Addon
Signs of a Good Player?
Richtige Entscheidung?
Wasser steht in der Waschmaschine, nach dem Waschen der Nachbarn über uns.