Anyone else have a pug that can’t keep their tongue in? Lol
Eyeshadow help!
miss luna bella lovegood
Eloise and Earl George 🐞
19lb loaf. His name is George. (I will name him George and I will hug him and pet him and squeeze him…) Banana for size.
Show me .5 photos of your leo!
Tmobile network has been bad lately.
Pregnant, bloated, or?
Found this lil guy & his shed in my dubia roach container
Spider ID please
(NC) Help IDing injured bird 🐦
Advice please! 12-13 week old kittens. Why does the male keep doing this? Is he trying to nurse on her private area? He started this a couple weeks ago & he does it almost every day now 😥😬
I think my cat burned his whiskers on a candle and now it look like this, will this ever going to go away? or is going to stay like this forever?
Any ideas? My apartments leasing office was swapping out their decor & sold this to me for $10! Said they think it’s an original. The frame is huge & very heavy.
Anyone know what this is? My husband found it in Pinehurst, NC. It looks large in the pictures to me, but he said it was about 6in long, could fit in his hand. We’ve never seen anything like it around here before.
I love Arnold’s lil beans 🥰🌸
Help/advice please! I was about to clean the tank & I noticed Feisty was acting strange. Her sides looked sunken in, then I noticed she was pushing something out. 30 minutes before this, she was fine. Is she laying eggs? It looks like she’s struggling & idk what to do for her!
Does my toad look like a boy or girl? I'm thinking it's a girl even though I named her Todd 😄
Ragnar & his cute lil teefies 💗
Could we start a thread for everyone to share pictures of their campsites/island? I need some inspiration for decorating! I’ve tried looking on Pinterest, Google, etc. but I never find much 🙁
Does anyone else have this strange spot on their beach (bottom right)? I can’t walk thru the top part of it. It looks like the edge of a cliff or something. I don’t think it’s supposed to be there lol
This is his happy face.
Warning: you have activated the tiny toe beanz