MAGA leader loses stipend and Healthcare but still loves dear leader.
TW: CHILDFREE VIEWS- if you’re coming in here to give me shit, just leave // Scheduled my sterilisation in April overseas, Nervous about it and also a little Sus about the hospital
Any reasons not to buy raw land in unrestricted Callaway County?
I lost drive now. IDK how what to do now.
Interested in Life Insurance
Company I work for unethically markets for leads, and I don't know what to do
The logic escapes me.
Another reason Robyn sucks.
My boss humiliated me after my first week at work
AITH for being upset at my Fiancé for not standing up for me?
Wanting to get into health and life...just talked to Revolution Financial. Feels....fishy...
My boyfriend (37m) is struggling financially and I’m (33f) not, I want to help him but it’s a lot and there are children involved
My wife has been having an emotional affair with a female coworker
Can I get term coverage active in less than two weeks?
Just Found something on my 12 year old sons phone
Minimum Wage
My husband 32 M says I’m, 33 F, being controlling when I ask if he’s coming to bed soon. Is that controlling?
My ex ‘F25’ just told me ‘M25’ she’s pregnant months after we broke up—something feels really off
My standards are impossible to meet, should I just take my ex back?
My boyfriend (22M) doesn’t listen to me, but he listens to others. Am I (22F) not worth it?
Bf (26M) convinced me (26F) to be intimate but did something I didn't agree to. I'm very upset but how do I bring this up when I talk to him again?
family wants me to lie to the police to avoid cps
Family heritage/Globe life?
I have been married for a year and 2 months and my husband cheated
A Missouri cop shot and killed a woman and her infant child. He won’t face charges