Ford Bronco! Lights or no lights?
Help shape the future of Movavi Video Editor – What features do you want next?
Export fails
Has (or will) cost of living change your retirement travel plans?
Florida OIR Agency bill
Legal issues buying into a Continuing Care Retirement Community
VA - Estate - Will and divorce
Lutheran services declares Bankruptcy
Supporting residents in skilled nursing
What did you do to occupy yourself as a kid that kids today could never comprehend?
What is the difference between a for profit or nonprofit CCRC?
Going away worry free
Staying mentally and physically active in retirement
Doctors, Nurses which warm cities have the most advanced healthcare?
Doctors, Nurses which warm cities have the most comprehensive and advanced healthcare in the country? Heart, cancer, etc.
Meal Plan
How effective is your State's Oversight of CCRCs?
Does your state have a group that Represents residents?
Does your CCRC have a Resident's panel that represents all the residents to Management?
What do you like the most about your CCRC?
single set of speaker notes for whole presentation/all slides?
Best scuba diving in USA for a 4-5 day bachelorette trip?
Holiday Gift Ideas?
Bar Tab Question
What was the defining historical event for Gen X?
Where the hell do you get your clothes (mainly asking the ladies, but anyone can answer)